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HomeNYC Caring Collaborative



  • Women supporting women when medical issues arise
  • Empowering and supporting one another in remaining healthy and energetic
  • Offering options for help in times of short-term health needs
  • Confidential Local Assistance

The Caring Collaborative, a service provided exclusively to members of our Women's Connection chapter, is based on the premise that most of us are determined to remain independent. Its goal is to preserve and promote healthy independence by assisting each other during temporary disability due to health-related issues.  Since the Caring Collaborative officially launched in October of 2008, hundreds of members have enthusiastically joined and benefited from this program.

Membership in the Caring Collaborative is available to all members in Women's Connection New York City Chapter. Membership is free, but in order to participate you MUST attend an Orientation. This free session ensures that new members understand the scope and boundaries of the Caring Collaborative's activities. These orientations alternate between being on Zoom and in person. (For more information on Orientation, go to the FAQs page.)

To learn more about The Caring Collaborative Experience, click on our members' testimonials below: 



Member-to-Member In-Person Assistance Program in which members offer to help Caring Collaborative colleagues who need temporary or occasional assistance. You can ask for/receive help when you need it, and/or provide help to another member. Such services might include being another set of ears at a doctor’s appointment, running errands, shopping or cooking for a person with an injury, accompanying a member to/from physical therapy, a doctor’s visit or a colonoscopy. Members can also offer to share
to discuss their experience with health issues in one-to-one conversations with other members.

Neighborhood Groups –The Caring Collaborative offers a connection to network of more than 400 women. Many of them are part of over 20 neighborhood groups. Attending meetings of a Neighborhood Group fosters friendships. A familiar face makes it easier and more comfortable to ask for and give help. The casual meeting forum is also invaluable for sharing information on successful health strategies, to discuss health topics of interest, and share tips and information with other Caring Collaborative members who live near you. 

Caring Collaborative Presentations - where accomplished practitioners discuss health and wellness issues with a focus on staying healthy and vigorous.

Health and Wellness Event Alerts - Notices of Free Health and Wellness lectures and activities in NYC, presented by recognized healthcare professionals and organizations.

CC resources to help you Stay Well.  


How to Interview the Right Home Health Aide for You - Prepared June, 2023

How Do I Know When to Go to the Emergency Room - Prepared August, 2021

What You Need to Know When You Go to The Hospital - updated, August, 2021

Health Profile
Download this form and fill it out. Keep it in your wallet for instant reference, put it in your Health Emergency “Go Bag”, and post it in on your refrigerator.

The Caring Times - Members produce quarterly issues of the Women's Connection newsletter focused on health and wellness. View recent issues here.

Senator Liz Krueger’s Older Adult Resource Guide- 2023-2024 Edition - the most comprehensive guide to resources for older adults in our community. You will find expanded information about long-term care, veterans’ benefits, advanced directives, and caregiving. You will also find additional expert resources on healthcare, housing, consumer protection, continuing education, transportation, and much more.

Downloadable Manuals, researched by the Caring Collaborative Committee and written under a New York State Health Foundation grant. They are: 

Quick Start Guide to Creating a Caring Collaborative

Creating a Vertical Village in a High Rise-Building

The Caring Collaborative is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or counseling services, nor can it replace daily home care when that is necessary.

"The Caring Collaborative volunteer made me feel secure. I could just relax, knowing she was ready and willing to take me home after a medical procedure.”
"Well, I get rewarded (too). I escorted XXX home, we had breakfast, discovered we both love bacon and the theater. We’ve been going to the theater together ever since."

For more information, please go to the FAQs page.

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