Thirteen members of the Finance SIG gathered on January 21 to talk about setting financial goals for 2025 - what is some financial thing you never get around to. Women can choose to be accountable to others or not. We pulled out some of our old working information and remembered (from our working days) that we want to create SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely). We mostly talked about goals such as tracking spending/knowing where our money goes and actions related to estate documents and organizing our financial life for our personal representative.
On Tuesday, February 18, 6:30-8:00 PM, we are going to talk about estate documents. Cyndy will identify some information that we have discussed previously. Bring your ideas and tips to share with others. If we have time, we could continue the additional topic of organizing these resources for your personal representative. There are many options available for doing this. If we don't have time, we will continue this topic at our March meeting.
In future months we will discuss Money to live on/withdrawal strategies including RMD, and Scams/Fraud/Identify theft. We also talked about a summer get together IN PERSON with a light topic of how to save money when buying stuff/how not to buy stuff.
Lisa N asked us about the topic of Housing as there is much interest in that across members of our chapter. Would the Finance SIG be willing to host and present info to our chapter? Let Cyndy know if you would be interested in assisting with such a presentation.
All are welcome to join us on zoom. Join the group or contact Cyndy using the info above.