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HomePHL GC Apr Newsletter



April 2022

Dear Giving Circle Members and Friends:

It’s Springtime! And for many of us supporting the TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle, this is the best time of the year.  It is why we exist!  It is during April when the grant application review and selection process is in full swing. What does that mean? In March, the Executive Council reviewed the full set of 36 applications received and selected 17 applicants to move on to the next step. Now the Grants Committee – 21 Giving Circle members – has stepped in, working in teams of three to do a “deep dive” review of up to three grant applications per team. The Grants Committee then came together on Zoom on March 30th and, through a lot of time, attention, discussion and care, selected our semi-finalists.


Being a semi-finalist is a big deal. Going forward, the Grants Committee now works with the semi-finalists to schedule site visits in April.  This is how we are able to even better understand the unique benefits each nonprofit brings to women and children in Philadelphia. Following the site visits, the Grants Committee will meet again on May 4th and selects the finalists - which will be announced on May 5th. These are the nonprofits we ALL (not just Grants Committee Members) will meet in May for our final voting and selection. So, mark Thursday, May 19th in ink on your calendar so you are able to join the finalists as they present their nonprofit to the entire Giving Circle membership via Zoom. We will then vote to award three $22,000 grants to three worthy non profits.


If you wish to be part of this wonderful, rewarding process, allowing you to get to know a variety of nonprofits doing great work within our community, consider being part of the Grants Committee in 2023 when we will be awarding the monies raised in 2022 – the Year of the Child. 


See you on May 19th!  Details as to time and place will be forthcoming.

Ann Lipshutz

Chair, Giving Circle Grants Committee



2:00pm to 3:30pm

via Zoom





At our last event in February “The Most Pressing Challenges Facing Philadelphia’s Children Today,” we mentioned that we would be bringing you part two of our series. For this program we wanted you to hear from people who are making a difference in the lives of some of our children most at risk.


We will continue with our “conversation” format and welcome the following participants:

  • Cynthia Figueroa - President and CEO of JEVS Human Services (former Deputy Mayor for Children & Families),
  • Isaiah Thomas, City Council Member
  • Ameen Akbar - Chief Mission Officer for Philadelphia Youth Basketball, 
  • Chekemma J. Fulmore-Townsend - President and CEO of Philadelphia Youth Network, and
  • Youth participants from Phila Youth Basketball and Phila Youth Network.

Nearly half of young people in the US (ages 16-24) are at risk of becoming disconnected or have already experienced disconnection from school and work. In Philadelphia, this segment of young people is overrepresented by individuals of color as well as those living in poverty. 

Learn how nonprofits are providing meaningful services that connect young people to education and employment and introduce employers to their future talent. Through sports, mentoring and other support systems, these programs can be the means through which the trajectory of the lives of under-served youth can be changed in a positive way.

Partnerships in the Philadelphia community among nonprofits, businesses and city government programs remove barriers and connect the systems that touch the lives of youth, building and deepening education and employment pathways. 

Please join us to understand how this happens. . TO REGISTER, CLICK HERE


DID YOU KNOW. . . According to the 2019 five-year estimates of the American Community Survey, there are 30,000 individuals between the ages of 16 and 24 living in Philadelphia who are classified as “Opportunity Youth.” What does this mean, you ask? Opportunity Youth are neither employed nor enrolled in school. The implications of this lack of education and/or income are evident. Lean more about this study and the demographic trends at this link


Update on our "Year of the Child" Campaign

The campaign for “The Year of the Child” continues to gain strength as we work to achieve of our ambitious 2022 goal — $100,000 with virtually every dollar designated to help children in our city living in poverty. 

Last year The Giving Circle added 35 new members — a terrific achievement, along with an outstanding renewal rate! We gain strength every year, as more TTN Philadelphia members understand the power of collective giving. Here’s the link to learn more. . . About Us.

Please, as you think about renewing this year, consider renewing early, and we are asking you to consider making a stretch pledge or gift — just for 2022 — to honor The Giving Circle’s 10th Anniversary, and support our city’s vulnerable children. 


Giving Circle Member

Each month we are going to feature one of our own Giving Circle members "in the Spotlight." This is a great way to get to know your fellow Giving Circle members and to learn why being part of our Giving Circle is important to them.


Past Grant Recipients

In honor of our 10th Anniversary, each month we are going to feature one of our past recipients. This month we are featuring Penn's Village to which we awarded a grant in 2015.

Bonny Hohenberger

When asked how she became involved with the TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle, Bonny Hohenberger immediately smiled. She recalled the early days when she, Mary Klein, Julie Currie, Elena Capella and the inimitable Ethel Weinberg came together because they wanted to do something impactful in the community. Up until that point, they had volunteered and donated but that was not enough. They wanted to see, and feel, how their efforts were making a difference.


Each woman brought unique skills to the creation of the Giving Circle. They tackled the arduous but critical task of creating their “Defining Documents” a set of bylaws that set out the mission, processes, procedures, and timelines, all of which were in place before soliciting the first donation. One of the founders had a contact at the Philadelphia Foundation which led to the establishment of this critical alliance. Bonny is proud to be one of the signers of the Donor Advised Fund agreement on November 27, 2012.


Bonny’s 30-year career as a speech pathologist put her right in the middle of the plight of underprivileged children in Philadelphia. She worked directly with students in the crumbling buildings of poorly funded schools and became acutely aware of the consequences of poverty when, during a reading session with a young boy, she showed a photo of a typical bedroom. After explaining what the set of drawers was, he told her that he kept his clothes in bags and slept on the floor.


For Bonny, the most gratifying aspect of being in the Giving Circle, especially on the Grants Committee, has been seeing the impact of the work. The committee received a heartfelt thank you note from a young college student who was the recipient of support from the very first GC grantee – Valley Youth House. That donation enabled her to purchase a laptop. Until then, this determined young woman wrote all her term papers on her cell phone. This really showed how even a small amount could make an enormous difference in someone's life.

Founded in 2008, Penn’s Village headquarters is located at 324 Delancey Street, Philadelphia. The mission of Penn’s Village is to enable Philadelphia residents to age in place, to remain independent, stay active, and remain socially engaged in their community. 

Its members receive access to volunteer services-cultural, educational, healthy living counseling, recreational programs, and events. The programs include guided tours, lectures, workshops provided by experts, and interest groups. Currently, there are 350 members.

Their website states: "Penn’s Village is a network of neighbors helping neighbors age in place. We enable older adult Philadelphians to live independently in their homes, while connecting with others through stimulating, educational and entertaining programs, social activities, and volunteer-provided services."

Our grant in 2015 was allocated specifically for their pilot program at the time-Health Pals, which is focused on training volunteers to accompany a member to health appointments as a support person and a “second pair of ears.” This program has been very successful and continues to thrive.

Penn’s Village welcomes volunteers to be companions including making friendly visits, go to lunch, go for walks, and engage together in many stimulating activities.

Penn’s Village has served the Philadelphia aging community well, and we want to honor it for the contribution they make to aging residents in our community.

For more information on Penn's Village, Click here.

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