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HomeBillings SIGs (2024)


Special Interest Groups (SIGs) bring together members who share common interests, activities or goals. They are member driven.  Members initiate them and decide how they should be run. Women provide their own leadership and organization. More information about SIGs can be found in the first tab below.

As of September 2024, we have 29 groups! Of these, 15 of them are open for more members. To join an existing OPEN SIG, reach out to the Group Contact at any time of the year. To start a new group, email the Women’s Connection Special Interest Groups coordinator, Nina Gutierrez, at

To view the SIG Calendar, click here.
To view the SIGs that are Open and Closed, click here. (Members only)
To read a short description of each SIG, keep on scrolling.

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Group Member Information
Group Member Information

What is a SIG?

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) bring together members who share common interests, activities, or goals. Members drive SIGs. Members initiate them, decide how the groups should be ran, and provide their own leadership and organization. 

Although some SIGs are unlimited in participation, many limit the members to a manageable size. This is a decision made within each SIG so that good conversation among members can be had or to accommodate to the spaces used for meetings.


How Do I Join?

Join by contacting the SIG lead listed, and they will give you the information needed start attending the meetings. Sometimes a SIG may be at capacity and no longer available. Although disappointing, there are alternatives. Check to see if there is a similar SIG open or drop a note to the SIG Coordinator. She will begin another SIG with the same general intent or include it in the next SIG and Peer Group Open House.

Starting a New SIG 

Our best ideas come from our members! If you have an idea for a new SIG, email the SIG Coordinator. If a new group is not started right away, the idea will be included in the next SIG and Peer Group Open House. Once there are 6 interested members, there will be a meeting to get the group started. 

At an organizational meeting, members will discuss how the SIG will be ran: the mission, rules of operation, meeting time and place, etc. At this meeting a volunteer SIG Lead, a point person, needs to be determined. This person(s) will organize communications and meetings on an ongoing basis. This position can be a rotating position. The rules for the Lead position can be set up as part of establishing the SIG.

Since Special Interest Groups are a Women's Connection member benefit you must be a member in good standing to participate in them. This is a reminder that when a member decides not to renew her membership, she is no longer a member of the group(s) she was a part of.

SIG Member Responsibilities

When deciding to join a SIG, keep in mind the commitment that may be needed to be involved with the group. Most groups need members to attend meetings regularly. With other groups there is minimal involvement. Many of the groups meet either in homes or in restaurants, and plans are made based on attendance. Once you have joined a group, be considerate and keep the Lead informed of when you will or will not be at a meeting. 

Emails are the primary form of communication with Women's Connection. Replying to emails is just another way of participating and being respectful to the group(s) you have decided to be a part of.

If a SIG doesn’t seem like a good fit, or you find that your participation is low, consider stepping away from the group. Doing this will help new members find ways to be involved with what Women's Connection has to offer.

Your ideas are encouraged!

Where one member has an interest, there are sure to be more!

Enjoy and have fun!

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We have MORE groups that are wanting to start up!

A Golfers group started up in late September. Scroll down for more info.

There are a couple gals that would like to play Pinocle AND they are willing to teach others how to play the game. The day and time has not been discussed yet as more members are needed first. Reach out to me, Nina, or to Sue Anders at

In July (2024) a group was trying to find more members who are looking for a book club. 'Top of The Morning' plans to meet at 9:00 in the morning on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Please reach out to Nina at or Linda Collins at to join in on morning book discussions.

Thread and Yarn, and Birding have a few members interested but need more to be a new SIG.

Thread and Yarn is to be a gathering of fellow women working on their needlepoint or knitting projects, together.

Birding is proposed to offer birding opportunities around the Billings area on weekday mornings (day TBD) for new to experienced birders. It may be seasonal, with more field trips during Spring to Fall, when birding activity is higher.

If you are wanting to see birds before the SIG can form, check out the Yellowstone Audubon Society. Go to to see the field trip calendar.

Please send Nina an email if you would like to become a member of these groups and help it become a new SIG!

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Hi! Are you looking for something to do? There are several groups looking for or needing more members. We have: Crafty Hands, Ladies Who Lunch, Sidewalk Cruisers, and Wine Uncorked. Scroll down to read about the groups. You may contact the lead directly or reach out to the SIG Coordinator, Nina Gutierrez, to become a member of these groups.


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Our newest formed SIG is the Golf Duffers! The group started in late September (2024).They will be setting tee times with each other via the app TeamReach. Scroll below for more info.

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Other group ideas are:


A 2nd Discussion Group

Evening Book Club

Gaming Fun

Grape Expectations (Wine)

More Food!


Saturday Lunch Escape

New groups need 5-6 members interested to form.

If you are interested in getting any of these ideas started, or have an idea of your own, please send an email to Nina.

BIL SIG Wandering Women
BIL SIG Suitcase Sisters

- Existing Groups -

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Art House Movie Group - Open
Art House Movie Group - Open

This SIG is open to more members. The group will meet the 1st Thursday of the month for the early movie and possibly meet afterwards to discuss the movie at local restaurant or coffee shop. Meet at the Art House between 5:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.

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Art Walk Plus - Open
Art Walk Plus - Open

This SIG is open to more members. The group will meet the 1st Friday every other month at 5:00 P.M. for the Art Walk. They hope to meet on the alternate month to explore other avenues. If interested, please contact Penni.

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Bicycle Buddies - Open
Bicycle Buddies - Open

This group is open to more members. They will meet the 3rd Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. These ladies will bike together for pleasure and to enjoy the scenery and fresh air. The group will share ideas on where they would like to ride.

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Conversational Spanish - Open
Conversational Spanish - Open

This group is open to more members. These members meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 11:00 A.M. Contact Lue for the current meeting place.

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Cork It - Open
Cork It - Open

These ladies meet at local wine establishments on the 3rd Tuesday at 5:30 P.M. and/or at each other's homes to sample/drink wine with appropriate food pairings. They plan a variety of different activities around wine and fellowship. 

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Crafty Hands - Open
Crafty Hands - Open

This group meets the 2nd Thursday, at 3:00 P.M., every other month. Some basic projects will be created at the comfort level of all members and proceed from there for additional ideas. The group is open for more members. Contact the Lead for more information.

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Golf Duffers - Open
Golf Duffers - Open

This group started up in the Fall of 2024. TeamReach will be used to arrange tee times with the other members. This is not a league and rules will be a bit looser. They are looking for more for more members. Please contact the Lead for more information.

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Keep On Trekking - Open
Keep On Trekking - Open

Want to get out and enjoy the beautiful walking or hiking paths around Billings and surrounding area? Members suggest day, evening or weekend hikes as desired. For those interested in traveling out of Billings, members can plan mountain trail day hikes. As always, activities depend upon the weather. Please contact lead for more information.

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Ladies Who Lunch - Open
Ladies Who Lunch - Open

A second lunch special interest group has been formed. They meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11:30 A.M. Location to be determined monthly.

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One and Done! Volunteer Group - Open
One and Done! Volunteer Group - Open

Who might be interested in a Volunteer Special Interest Group? Following on the heels of the information we received from some great speakers we'd like to offer a "Volunteer" SIG. This would be for those who are interested in volunteering for some agency as a group. This could be just for special projects like working on an "event" for an agency or a more ongoing commitment. If you are interested and want to meet other ladies while working together for a cause, please contact Mary Stabio to get more information. This SIG is open to more members.

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Sidewalk Cruisers - Open
Sidewalk Cruisers - Open

The Cruisers is a newer group which started the Fall of '23.  If the weather cooperates, the Group plans to walk EVERY Thursday morning with the time and place to vary. Fall/Winter hours later and Spring/Summer hours earlier. Please contact Deb Brown to get more information and cruising spots.

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Suitcase Sisters - Open
Suitcase Sisters - Open

Got something on your bucket travel list and no one to go with you? We officially adopted the name of "Suitcase Sisters" and our group brings together members who have an interest in planning and traveling, from day trips to nearby locations in Montana to weekend excursions to overseas adventures. Travels may include an educational component and/or a physical activity, and will almost certainly include great food, beverages, and experiences to savor. It's a big world out there--and we want to experience it! We will meet the 3rd Wednesday at 6:00 P.M.

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Ted Talkers - Open
Ted Talkers - Open

The group will listen and or watch a pre-selected TED Talks topic and then meet at various locations monthly to discuss the talk. They will meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 4:00 P.M. This SIG is open to more members.

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Wandering Women Travel Group - Open
Wandering Women Travel Group - Open

This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:00 P.M. at various TBD restaurants around town. They will be exploring both long and short trips, in surrounding areas, nationally and internationally. The group places emphasis on culture, with trips to museums, plays, concerts, art shows, festivals and other special events. They attend local options together, particularly during the winter months, and focus on history and culture with their travel destinations.

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Wine Uncorked - Open
Wine Uncorked - Open

This group will meet on the 1st Wednesday at 11:30 A.M. at local wine establishments and/or at each other's homes to sample/drink wine with appropriate food pairings. They plan a variety of different activities around wine and fellowship. 

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Anything Goes Book Club - Closed
Anything Goes Book Club - Closed

This book group meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Do your reading interests range all over the place? If it doesn't matter whether you read fiction or non-fiction, as long as it's good writing, this is the Book Club for you. Members will make monthly selections based on whatever strikes their fancy.

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Between The Covers Book Club - Closed
Between The Covers Book Club - Closed

This group meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 P.M. but is currently closed. 

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Bon Appetit - Closed
Bon Appetit - Closed

This group meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30 P.M. and selects various restaurants around town to enjoy a dinner and companionship.

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Cravings Book Club - Closed
Cravings Book Club - Closed

This book club meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 10:30 A.M.  If you just can't get enough, these ladies are working to make sure their days are filled!

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Day Trippers - Closed
Day Trippers - Closed

This group has formed, and its definition is: “An event/ destination/ experience completed in a day.” The SIG will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 1:00pm, with meeting locations TBD. The use of the Team Reach App will be used for communication and to calendar outings. Each member will plan a trip for the group to participate in and members may partner with another, if they'd like to.

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Fabulous Feeds - Closed
Fabulous Feeds - Closed

This group will be tries out new recipes and cuisines. They will meet up monthly at a hostess's home, on a Saturday. The rotating hostess will decide on theme, menu and cooking assignments, and send them out to members. Generally, cooking is to be prepared prior to gathering. Of course, wine/cocktail pairings may be considered as part of the planning. The next location and time will be determined monthly.

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Foodie Fanatics - Closed
Foodie Fanatics - Closed

This group will meet the 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 P.M. Each month the dinner is hosted at one of the member's homes. The host will select the theme for the dinner and provide the main course. A list of desired courses will be given to the others to choose from to bring.

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Gamers - Closed
Gamers - Closed

This group will meet the 2nd Monday at 6:00 P.M. The old standbys will be played: card games, board games, along with a lot of fun. 

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Growler Girls - Closed
Growler Girls - Closed

The "Growler Girls" meet at various breweries around town on the last Wednesday of the month at 4:00 P.M.

Please contact Deb Brown to get more information and meeting venues.

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Lunch Bunch - Closed
Lunch Bunch - Closed

These ladies meet to explore and sample the different dining offerings in Billings while enjoy fellowship. At each meeting, the group decides on the next location. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 11:30 A.M.

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Puttin' on the Glitz - Closed
Puttin' on the Glitz - Closed

This group hopes to meet every 3rd month at various restaurants. Times will vary - depending on availability of reservations.  Members will enjoy an evening out at a nice restaurant and dress for the occasion.

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Tattered Book Covers Book Club - Closed
Tattered Book Covers Book Club - Closed

This group meets the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 P.M. Please contact Elizabeth Perius for additional information.

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Vintage Sippers - Closed
Vintage Sippers - Closed

This wine group started in April 2023 and just like that the group reached its limit!

They will be meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 4:00 P.M. Please contact the lead for more information.

If you feel like you missed out and want to belong to a wine SIG, another can be formed. Talk with members to get one going. 

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Winey Women - Closed
Winey Women - Closed

These members meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30 P.M. They will meet at local wine establishments and/or at each other's homes to sample/drink wine with appropriate food pairings. They plan a variety of different activities around wine, food and fellowship. 



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