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February, 2023


Dear Giving Circle members and friends:


Here we are in February already! I hope that those of you who haven’t escaped to warmer climes are persevering through the Philadelphia winter!


As you know, 2022 was a very special year for us as we celebrated the TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle’s 10th Anniversary, and dedicated the year to children, the “Year of the Child”. In an unprecedented campaign effort, we raised over $123,000 in 2022 for our 2023 grants - an achievement that still boggles the mind!


We were so pleased to come together in person in mid-January to celebrate this accomplishment and thank all those who contributed to the “Year of the Child” campaign and made it such a success.  


Now it’s time to look to the future. We’ll continue our focus on our mission to improve the lives of women and children in Philadelphia. This effort starts with our first educational program; “New Perspectives in Philanthropy: Bringing About Change”. This program, scheduled for March 2 from 2-3:30 EST, will focus on how philanthropy, and particularly that of women, is changing to have a more direct and localized impact. The program will be virtual. The event is posted and open for registrations, so please plan to join us - we think it will be an eye-opener!  


Finally, as described in the Grants Committee message, the Committee has officially kicked off the 2023 grants cycle. with an orientation program for new members and an informal session for potential applicants. As we’ve frequently said, grants are the foundation of the Giving Circle, and I hope you’ll all have an opportunity to participate in this rewarding Committee at some point.


With everyone’s help, 2023 looks to be another great year!


With appreciation,


Linda Senker, Chair

TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle

Attention all TTN and Giving Circle members . . . . registration is now open!

TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle

announces its first panel discussion of 2023


New Perspectives in Philanthropy: Bringing about Change

Thursday, March 2nd

2:00 to 3:30 pm EST

via Zoom

As 2023 kicks off, are you looking to understand how you can help bring about change in our ever more challenging world? And particularly here in Philadelphia where the need is so great? 

Individuals and groups have the power to effect significant changes through philanthropy on all levels. This belief anchors our philosophy of collective giving with TTN Philadelphia’s Giving Circle. 

By joining this first 2023 program, you will gain insights into how philanthropy is changing to have a more direct and localized impact. Hear why restrictions on grants and donations are lessening, and how strategies to support women (key to our mission) can be made more effective by understanding the gender and wealth gaps, and some of the root drivers of poverty. Learn ways to simplify funding to smaller, grassroots organizations that work to improve the conditions for those who live these challenges daily. Bottom line, learn how we can be more effective in bringing positive change.

As we work together to increase the impact of our giving dollars, you won’t want to miss this program. So, please click on the button below and register.



On January 19th, Giving Circle members who contributed to the "Year of the Child" campaign gathered to celebrate. With great fanfare and a few drum rolls, it was announced that not only did we meet our goal of $100,000 but we were able to raise over **$123,000**


As you know, all these funds will go to worthy nonprofits that focus on the needs of children in underserved communities in Philadelphia.

The power of collective giving in action.

We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you all!!!!

Message from our Development Committee

As we mentioned above, we were delighted with the turnout for the event on January 19th at the Acorn Club to celebrate the successful fundraising effort of the "Year of the Child". Approximately eighty members of the TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle, who contributed to the fund raising campaign, were in attendance and raised their glasses of champagne to celebrate. A special thanks also went to Barbara Lissy and Kathy Gosliner, who spearheaded this incredible campaign.

And as we turn our focus to 2023, one of our goals is to attract new members and one way to introduce the TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle to friends and neighbors is through small wine and cheese events and/or what we are calling "Fireside Chats". Our first “Fireside Chat” will be held on Thursday, February 23rd in Chestnut Hill. TTN and Giving Circle member, Kriste Lindenmeyer will speak on the topic of a book she edited entitled, Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives. As of this writing thirty prospective members will be attending, with hopes that the number may be higher as the date draws closer. 

If anyone is interested in either presenting on a topic reflecting their professional or personal expertise or in hosting a small get together for potential new members, please contact Nancy Newman or Sandy Horrocks at

The Power of Giving Circles . . .

Giving circles are kickstarting a new era of philanthropy where individuals give together to make social change happen

Philanthropy Together website

A giving circle brings a group of people with shared values together to collectively discuss and decide where to make a pooled gift. Giving circles support with their dollars, but also build awareness, volunteer, become board members and more. Individuals multiply their impact and knowledge, have fun, and connect with their local community.

People are coming together around the world to create the change they want to see in the world. Giving circles are a growing global movement with more than 2,500 active circles around the world giving intentionally and thoughtfully. Giving circles are a modern form of collective giving with roots in cultures across the globe for many decades!


Message from the Grants Committee

As mentioned above, the Grants Committee is up and running with 30 enthusiastic members. "During January we held an Orientation Session for Grants Committee members and in February we will be holding a Google Drive training session and a Grant Reading workshop," said Carol Williams, Chair of the Grants Committee. 

And, for potential grantees, in January there was a Information Session for potential applicants with 44 organizations in attendance and several more requesting the recording. At this Zoom session, potential applicants learned about the grants process, applications, eligibility requirements, our diversity initiative and site visits to provide clarity and transparency about the process to possible applicants. Applications are due February 17, and that's when the real work begins.  if you know a nonprofit interested in receiving the recording of this session, please send an email to


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