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Member Story: Mary Welch

Interviewed by Patty Petersen

My passion for the last 25 years has been to create sacred spaces where women gather and feel free to BE who they are and authentically share their wisdom, laugh, play, cry, and celebrate their life!” - Mary Welch

Mary, a member since 2022, reflects on her connections, dedication to her family and career, and what delights her. She is a member of the Program Committee and hiking SIG.

Mary in one of her favorite places for hiking. Sedona AZ

Women's Connection

I was searching for a group of women who did a variety of interesting things, and I wouldn’t have to be responsible for the organizing and planning of it all! [I like] the open minds and hearts of the women I’ve met, especially those in leadership roles. I feel very comfortable and respected because of their openness to newcomers and their ideas, as well as the sincere invitations from members to join in the events. Women's Connection has offered me new opportunities to ‘play’ and to meet women who might value what my own Women’s Circles have to offer. 



I grew up in the Camden area of Minneapolis, the oldest of 12 children, and stayed a ‘north sider.’ We built a home in Brooklyn Park in 1977 and five years ago we moved to a new home only 20 blocks further north! My husband, Mike, and I will celebrate being married for 55 years on March 1. We have three married daughters, eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren! Our family gatherings are loud, often chaotic, emotional, exhausting, and always full of love and laughter. 



My long marriage and my family are what I’m most proud of. And, as a result of being the Executive Director of the Brooklyn Community Chamber of Commerce in the early 1990’s, I was awarded the first Human Relations Award by the City of Brooklyn Park for my efforts organizing a major event involving schools, businesses, churches, and citizens to bring together the various communities/cultures in the NW suburbs. And I was also recognized by the Minnesota State Legislature in 1997 for my efforts to promote the celebration of cultural diversity. These awards are very precious to me because they reflect one of my deepest values.



I did many things in my life before it all came together in 1999 when I finally realized at age 50 what I wanted to be when I grew up! Everything I had been doing led me to being trained as a ToP facilitator from the Institute of Cultural Affairs and to being a Life Coach trained by the Coaches Training Institute. I feel so very privileged to be a life coach who supports women on their journey of discovering their deepest values and passions. My monthly Circles and annual retreats on the North Shore, in Sedona, and near the Mississippi River feed my soul, and I know they enrich the lives of the women who participate.



I love to dance! With or without my husband! And I love to sing, but don’t do it often enough or well enough now. I enjoy golf most of the time. I love to hike the North Shore and the Red Rocks of Sedona, and I love to travel and experience other cultures. What really delights me are the giggles and hugs of my children and grandchildren and the belly laughs from the women who gather in my Serendipity Circles. It is what makes me ‘high’ on being alive!




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