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Where to Go When You Need Information or Assistance

Need a Zoom link or an address for an event?

Look for the confirmation email you received when you registered for the event. It has all the information in it.

If you can't find that email, or if you have a question about the event, send an email to the person listed as the Event Contact. You'll find her information on the event posting.

Trying to reach someone in a chapter?

If you have a question or idea and don't know whom to call, send an email to the chapter mailbox shown below. Someone will read your email quickly and direct it to the appropriate person.

Need help logging into the website?

Call Club Express Support at 1-866-457-2582.
Their hours are 7:30am to 7:00pm eastern time, Monday through Friday.

Important:  Do not call Club Express for questions about our chapters, events, payments, or any other aspect of our organization. Phone reps do not have access to this information. They are equipped to provide you with technical support only.

Have an issue related to payments?
Have a question about Women's Connection?

Send an email to us HERE
We will respond within a few days.

To send something by snail mail, use this address.

Women's Connection

209 W. 29th Street, Suite 6166
New York, NY 10001 


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Powered By Women's Connection