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HomeEventsDC (V) - Calling All Readers: Interested in a TTN DC Chapter Book Group? (7 pm)

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DC (V) - Calling All Readers: Interested in a TTN DC Chapter Book Group? (7 pm)

About this event

This group is a member benefit.  You will need to log in to Register.
Not a member--consider joining TTN.

Please join us for a virtual meeting to assess interest in forming a book group or groups. Please think about what sort of book group experience you are looking for: (1) in person, virtual, or hybrid; (2) during the weekdays or evenings/weekends; (3) particular genres; (4) frequency – monthly, quarterly, etc. Your interest level and feedback will inform what sort of group is organized. If you cannot attend the virtual meeting on April 10, please email Laura with your book group preferences. We look forward to meeting all interested on April 10.

This meeting will be held on Zoom.  The link will be sent two days before the meeting.

Date and Time

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)

Event Contact(s)

Laura G Ferguson



Registration Info

Registration is required

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