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CHI (P) Solo Together Street Fair Retro on Roscoe
About this event
This is the 27th year for this street fair favorite which now features an art festival in addition to the antique car show (think old Corvettes and Mustangs).
Perfect for Gen X with throwback bands (music lineup is yet to be announced) like Sixteen Candles, "boy bands" and "yacht rock."
3 pm - 5:30 pm Drinks on Kimberly's deck until 4 pm then enjoying the street fair
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Dinner at Le Sud for 8 gals or continue with the street fair
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm More street fair and the music stages
Roscoe Village
Chicago, IL 60618
Event Contact(s)
Kimberly Worthington
Registration Info
Registration is required
Please let me know if you are running late or cannot make it. If you are interested in dining at Le Sud, please register to ensure a spot. If you must cancel, please do so in advance so those on the wait list can participate.
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