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HomeEventsCHI (P) - Explore Chicago! Tour of The Chapel in the Sky, the world's highest place of workship!

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CHI (P) - Explore Chicago! Tour of The Chapel in the Sky, the world's highest place of workship!

About this event

The Chapel in the Sky is the world's highest place of worship, and it's right here in Chicago. 
Join us for a tour of the The Chicago Temple, and the private chapel at the top of the building.

The Chicago Temple and The Chapel in the Sky have been located at the same location in Chicago since before the Chicago Fire.  A tour guide will take us through the history of the temple, talk about some of the famous parishioners, and show us some of the historic treasures and artwork in the church.  It is truly a Chicago hidden gem.  The tour lasts one hour and is not ADA accessible.  After taking the elevator to the 22nd floor, you will climb 176 steps, about 8 flights, (slow and steady)  to reach the Chapel in the Sky.


We will meet for lunch at Noon at the Corner Bakery Café 56 W Randolph (next to Petterino’s) and walk to the Chicago Temple at 77 W. Washington.  More details will be sent to all registrants. You are responsible for your own lunch.


Please be respectful of your fellow members and register only if you plan to attend. If you need to cancel, please cancel as early as possible so that someone on the waitlist can join. Note: It's worthwhile to sign up and get on the waitlist. Openings often occur.


This event is limited to 15 people!


Date and Time

Saturday, April 20, 2024, 12:00 PM until 3:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Lunch:Corner Bakery, 56 W Randolph,Tour is at The Chicago Temple, 77 W Washington
77 W Washington
Chicago, IL  60616

Event Contact(s)

Lisa Thompson



Registration Info

Registration is required


15 Total Slots
6 Available Slot(s)

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