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HomeEventsCHI (P) - Explore Chicago! Private tour of landmark Japanese Art exhibit at the Smart Museum

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CHI (P) - Explore Chicago! Private tour of landmark Japanese Art exhibit at the Smart Museum

About this event


Join us for a private tour of this remarkable exhibition of the art of Japan’s Meiji era (1868–1912), four remarkable decades that propelled the country into the modern era.

Comprising more than 130 artworks—including paintings, prints, photographs, sculptural works, and objects in various media, such as enamel, lacquer, embroidery, and textiles—the exhibition presents some of the finest examples of Meiji period artworks in American collections. Organized around time-honored Japanese motifs, such as the sea and nature, Buddhist deities, and mythical animals, Meiji Modern highlights these themes as they are transformed with the introduction of newly imported techniques, materials, and audiences. Showcasing Japan as a case of nonwestern modernity, the exhibition also addresses issues surrounding art and identity resonant with audiences today.

We will meet at the Smart Museum in Hyde Park at 10:30 am on May 21, then have lunch afterwards nearby. Please note everyone is responsible to pay for their meals. 

This event will fill up quickly so register as soon as you can. If the event is filled, add your name to the waitlist as often we get last minute cancellations. If you must cancel, please do so on the website.

Date and Time

Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 10:30 AM until 1:30 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Smart Museum of Art
5550 S. Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, IL  

Event Contact(s)

Carol Montgomery



Registration Info

Registration is required


12 Total Slots
5 Available Slot(s)

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