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HomeEventsDC (P) Sarah Silverman's "The Bedwetter" at Arena Stage 031425

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DC (P) Sarah Silverman's "The Bedwetter" at Arena Stage 031425

About this event

Silverman's bestselling memoir springs to life in a hilarious, moving musical comedy as 10-year-old Sarah navigates a new school, her parents' divorce, and a secret you'll never guess (unless you read the title).


We will meet at 7:30 pm  in the lobby of Arena Stage and take our seats in the Kreeger Theater around 7:45 pm. 


 This play is reserved seating.  Tickets are either $89 - $109.  The event organizer is sitting in seat XXX. Please buy your ticket at 


The Arena Stage (Mead Center) is convenient to the Waterfront Metro station.  While there is plenty of garage parking in the area, it is expensive.  

Date and Time

Friday, March 14, 2025, 8:00 PM until 10:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


Arena Stage
Arena Stage
1101 Sixth Street SW
Washington, DC  20024

Event Contact(s)

Jane Dicosimo



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

Number of People Who Will Attend

Nonmember *
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.

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