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HomeEventsMSP (P) - Open Craft Event in Stillwater (Monday, February 10 10:30 AM) 021025

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MSP (P) - Open Craft Event in Stillwater (Monday, February 10 10:30 AM) 021025

About this event

Join other women in person for conversation as you work on your knitting or crocheting at this wonderful shop in Stillwater. They have a maker's lounge that has a table and chairs as well as sofas and soft seating in groupings around the space. Some of our members have expressed interest in learning to knit or crochet - this would be a good opportunity to begin to learn. 

You can attend even if you don't want to knit or crochet - bring a craft of your own choosing and join in the conversation.

Note: There's no cost to this activity, but registering ensures you'll receive updates if changes are required due to bad weather. 
This gathering is open to members and non-members.

To register, go to register button at the bottom of the page.

Photographs may be taken at this event. By participating, you give Women's Connection the right to include your image in web postings and   emailing's. If you do not wish to appear in photographs, please avoid areas of the event in which photos are being taken. 

Date and Time

Monday, February 10, 2025, 10:30 AM until 12:00 PM


Darn Knit Anyway
423 S Main St Suite 423b
Stillwater, MN  55082

Event Contact(s)

Judith B Ferrell

Terri Johnson



Registration Info

Registration is recommended
Registration cancellations will be accepted

Number of People Who Will Attend

(No Fee)

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