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HomeEventsPHL (P) Tour of Morgan Library in NYC, (Tues. April 22, 10:30 am) 042225

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PHL (P) Tour of Morgan Library in NYC, (Tues. April 22, 10:30 am) 042225

About this event


Belle da Costa Greene Exhibit & Library Tour

Morgan Museum and Library

225 Madison Avenue (at 36th St.), New York City  10016

Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 10:30 am

WC Members:  $29 & WC non-member Guests:  $36

Enjoy a day in New York City at the spectacular Morgan Library and Museum.  Our day will include a private-guided tour of library and a self-guided tour (audio available) of the Belle da Costa Greene special exhibit, and plenty of time for lunch.


The Morgan is one of the great rare book and manuscript libraries of the world, formed by the collection of J. Pierpont Morgan, starting in late 19th century.  The library is housed in the century old McKim, Mead & White designed building, as well as the recent Renzo Piano designed 2006 addition.


Belle da Costa Greene was Morgan’s librarian, and the topic of the bestselling novel The Personal Librarian.  Greene was instrumental in building Morgan’s collection and is regarded as one of the most influential librarians of the 20th century.  Her life story, from growing up in a prominent Washington, DC African American family to passing as white during her storied career, is the subject of an exciting, in-depth and well researched exhibit at the Morgan (and is scheduled to close in early May). 


The Library and Museum opens at 10:30 a.m. and you can enter at any time.  You will be able to make a self-guided tour of the Greene exhibit in the morning (an audio guide is available for download in advance, as well as videos).  Our one- hour, private-guided tour will begin at 2 pm, and will cover highlights of the library.

  Lunch is on your own.   There is a lovely café at the Morgan and a list of nearby restaurants will be provided. You will be free to come and go from the museum,  as you please during the day.

You are responsible for your own travel costs and arrangements.  We recommend the Amtrak trains from Philadelphia's 34th Street Station either departing at 8:01 am (#642) or at 8:30 am (#130) and returning in the afternoon from NYC at 4:24 pm (#129).  You should buy your ticket as soon as possible, as the prices are extremely reasonable, this far away from 4/22.  We suggest that you select the refundable fare option.  The Morgan Library and Museum is located at the intersection of 36th and Madison Avenue, which is about a half hour walk from the NYC train station.

Please note that cancellations are accepted through 4/15/25.  Should you need to cancel by that date, you will be issued a credit to your WC account, to be used for future purchases.


Date and Time

Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 10:30 AM until 3:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


Morgan Library and Museum
225 Madison Avenue (at 36th Street)
New York, NY  10016
(215) 685-0008

Event Contact(s)

Anne Marie Gold

Jean E Brubaker



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 11:30 PM
Cancellation Policy:
If you are a member and cancel your registration before the specified deadline, you will receive a full refund as a credit to your account. You can use the credit to pay for another event or put it toward your annual dues payment. Non-members will receive a refund on their credit card, minus a $4 processing fee.

No refunds are available to members or non-members after the cancellation deadline.


40 Total Slots
5 Available Slot(s)

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