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Spring is about new beginnings

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Spring is about new beginnings
June 2024
Spring is about new beginnings
By Darla Hastings
Posted: 2024-06-16T18:53:37Z

Dear Friends,

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it. If you observe Ramadan, I wish you an easy fast and many blessings. And Happy Spring to everybody!

As we peel off our winter clothes and soak up these brighter days, I want to share a few thoughts about volunteering.  

Are you wondering why I’m bringing up volunteering in a letter about Spring? I don’t blame you – but there’s a good reason for it. They both make our lives happier. Here’s how I see it.  

Spring is about new beginnings. It’s the season when plants burst into bloom and animals wake up from hibernation to start making babies. Human beings wake up too. We embrace Spring as a season of hope, of joy and of love. In these tumultuous and often frightening times, I’m a huge fan of hope, joy and love. I know you are too.

The experience of volunteering is a lot like this. When we volunteer, we give our time and talents away for free. Why? Because we hope to make a difference for people and causes we believe in. Giving in this way provides us with a sense of purpose, which brings us joy. And as we know, doing something “good” is a time-tested way to spread love.

Many of you understand what I’m talking about from personal experience. In addition to volunteering within your communities, you give a lot to TTN. You serve on chapter committees. You host events and facilitate workshops. You coordinate peer groups and special interest groups, post photos on the website and write and design your chapter's newsletters. All in all, you keep things humming in a way we women do so well. You are amazing! Thank you from my heart for everything you do.

For those of you who haven’t volunteered recently, I hope you’ll jump back into it this year. We need you. Our national community consists of more than 3,000 women. Do you know how many staff people we have in TTN's central office? Just one (me). Our three largest chapters have part-time administrative support. And that's it! The events, workshops, SIGs and peer groups you enjoy so much are brought to you as gifts from your fellow members.

That’s enough about those other women. Let’s talk about you. Why should YOU volunteer? There are two simple answers.

It’s the right thing to do. Continually enjoying other women’s contributions to our community without putting something back in is like attending a potluck without bringing a dish. Would you do that? I don’t think so.

It will be really, really good for you. Volunteering is a sure-fire way to connect with women whose interests match yours. You’ll get to know them as you work side by side, and chances are good that you’ll become friends. Besides that, you’ll have fun! Isn’t this why you joined TTN in the first place?

Volunteering doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment. You can take one small bite and decide where to go from there. You’ll find some ideas if you scroll down to the bottom of this newsletter. Just try something. You won’t be sorry.

I am grateful to all of you for choosing to be part of this thriving community. I look forward to meeting more of you as I visit some of your chapters in coming months. Meanwhile, please continue to write me with your ideas and opinions. I never get tired of hearing from you.

With hope, joy and love,

Darla Hastings

Executive Director


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