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HomeMSP Movie SIG

Movie Reels

General Information

The movie SIG started during the pandemic as a zoom group for chapter members that enjoy watching and discussing movies. While there are likely still women in our chapter who enjoy movies, it is time to regroup and determine the future of the group.

If you are interested in participating or want to be on our contact list, 1) add yourself to the contact group or 2) Contact Cyndy Nelson using the Member DirectoryIf not a Member, please contact us with any questions you may have.

Event Information

There are currently no events planned. This group needs somebody who is willing to get it going. The new implementation will be based on what group members want now. It could be going to movies together. It could involve getting together to discuss movies. Whatever the group wants it to be.

If you are willing to be this person, let Cyndy Nelson know and she will help you get started. Thanks.


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