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HomeOhio Events 2024 (NEW)


2024 Chapter Meetings and Pop-Ups


Note: This schedule of meetings is a work in progress. We are currently confirming the availability of speakers and locations.

NOTE: All of our monthly meetings are held on the third Monday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, unless otherwise noted.

  • Please note that the Deadline for the Host to Communicate the necessary details, photos and/or images to Susie, Liz and Donna is no later than 30 days prior to the event.  For example, if an event is on March 18th, the deadline is no later than February 18th. 

We now have a “Chapter Lunch to Meet New Members“on the second Monday of each month that is open to all members.  Liz Anderson is the facilitator, and the dates are as follows for 2024: Monday, Jan. 8, Feb, 12, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, Oct. 14, and Nov. 11 (we will probably skip December, since our Holiday party is also the second Monday at 6:00 p.m.)

January Pop-Up:  Katy Oberle – Creative Self-Care with SoulCollage - contact Roberta Kayne; Date: Sunday, Jan. 7 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

January Chapter Meeting - Date: Monday, January 15, Speaker - Author David Meyers – The Reverse Underground Railroad.

  • Zoom – open to all
  • Host - Mary Smithson. Date has been confirmed with the speaker. 

February Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, February 19 – Speaker: Monica Weeks – Native American Challenges

  • Zoom – open to All
  • Host – Pat Snyder – Speaker is confirmed for this date.

March Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, March 18 – Speaker: Kathy Rausch – Presentation and Workshop on Making Mandalas!

  • In person
  • Host: Roberta Kayne 
  • Location: Lifeline of Ohio
  • Roberta has confirmed the date and speaker

March Pop-Up: Paint and Sip with Dawn Petril

  • Date: Saturday, March 23, 2024 from 1:00-3:00 PM

  • Host: Roberta Kayne

  • Dawn’s Home Studio 

  • Roberta has confirmed the date and workshop leader

April Chapter Meeting: - Date: Monday, April 15 – Speaker: Pat Snyder – Unpacking your Life

  • Zoom – open to all
  • Host: Pat Snyder
  • Communication to be done by Pat Snyder

May Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, May 20 –Possi
ble speaker: Families Flourish, dba Move to Prosper. 

  • Zoom – Open to all
  • Program is to help people understand the work that’s being done in Central Ohio to help families to move from “low opportunity” to higher resourced “high opportunity” zip codes.  
  • Host:  Pat Snyder
  • Communication to be done by Pat Snyder


June Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, June 17 - Annual Picnic

  • In person in Mary Greenlee’s Garden
  • Host: Mary Greenlee
  • Communication to be done by Mary, Maureen and Susie.


July Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, July 15 – Sex Trafficking, CATCH Court and Freedom a la Carte Restaurant.

  • In Person: Location TBD
  • Hosts: Mary Smithson and Carol Oswald
  • To Do: Mary and Carol – confirm location (Northwest Christian Church) and speaker (request for a speaker is in process as of 3-26-24)


July Pop-Up:  Lunch at the Columbus Museum of Art and a Thurber House Tour

  • Date:Thursday, July 18, 2024
    11:45 Lunch at Columbus Museum of Art
    1:00   Tour of Thurber House
  • Host: Sharon Mast.
  • The date and time are confirmed. 
  • To Do: Sharon will make reservations at the Thurber House, if necessary, and then once we send out the announcement and people have registered, Sharon will notify the Thurber House how many attendees there will be, if necessary. Sharon will also need to take a head count at the Art Museum, to make sure everyone is accounted for.


August Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, August 19 – In person get together.

  • In person – location not yet decided.
  • Host – not yet decided.
  • Communication deadline: July 19.
  • Communication to be done by host (TBD) and Donna Kayne 


August Pop-Up: Pro Musica concert at the Conservatory

  • Date: TBD
  • Host: Donna Kayne
  • To do Donna: Confirm date once Pro Musica and/or FPC (Franklin Park Conservatory) publish the dates in June or July


September Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, September 16 - Speaker Nita Sweeney – Daily Meditation

  • In Person or zoom – not yet decided
  • Host: Pat Snyder 
  • Speaker is confirmed
  • Communication Deadline : August 16


October Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, October 21 – Robin Judd talks about her new book Between Two Worlds - Jewish War Brides After the Holocaust

  • Zoom – Open to all
  • Host: Karen Townsend
  • The speaker and date are confirmed (1-14-24)

October Pop-Up: Pumpkins Aglow at the Franklin Park Conservatory

  • Date: TBD
  • Host: Maureen Severns 
  • To Do Maureen: confirm date once it's on the FPC website.


November Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, November 18 – Writers Group

  • Zoom – open to all
  • Host – Writers Group
  • Communication to be done by a member of the writers group


December Chapter Holiday Party - Date:  TBD, probably Monday, Dec. 9 (Note this is the second Monday of December, not the third.)

  • In Person – Location: TBD, possibly Upper Arlington, OH
  • Host – TBD (possibly Donna Kayne, Leslie Robinson and Maureen Severns?)
  • To Do: Donna and committee – work out the details, sign contract and pay for Community Room


December Pop-Up: Holiday Lights at the Franklin Park Conservatory

  • Date: TBD
  • Host Maureen Severns
  • To do Maureen – confirm date

To Re-schedule: 

 Travelogue and Travel Tips and Memories

  • Zoom – open to all
  • Hosts: Karen Townsend, Roberta Kayne and Susie Collins. Note: Anyone can share travel stories but must work with hosts ahead of time to schedule it in. Some ideas of what to share: What travel outfit have you used? Photos and stories of your trip. 

Carol Oswald volunteered to set up a mini-Women in Transition (WIT) workshop for multiple Ohio locations – Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, and Athens as a way attract interest before requiring a full 5-hour commitment to a workshop.

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