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HomeSuper Agers Rule!

Super Agers Rule!

Introduction by Claudia Gerson &  Article By Judith Graham (KFF Health News)

How appropriate to be writing about Super Agers when we just lost Jimmy Carter, our most famous Super Ager/Centenarian, at 100!

Scientists say 25% of the reason for long life comes from DNA and the other 75% is environment – where we live, what we eat, how much we exercise (both physically and equally important, mentally) and what kind of a support system we have. 

Women’s Connection members are certainly well-covered when it comes to social support and hopefully also mental exercise. Isn’t that why we belong to Women’s Connection?

Tippi Hedren - Age 95


Hilda Jaffe (NYC Resident) - Age 102


Rita Moreno - Age 93

The USA has the second largest Centenarian population in the world, with 108,000 or 0.2 % of all older Americans.  And that number is slated to double by 2054. 78% are women - how appropriate for our group - and 77% are white.  And even if we might not have Centenarians amongst us, we certainly have our share of Super Agers – women in their 80’s and above who have the physical and mental acuity of women much younger than that.

Of course, our goal should not be to live as long as possible, but as well as possible.  Read on to find out about Hilda Jaffe and her amazing life at a ripe old age of 102.  What a role model!

Hilda Jaffe's Story- A Centenarian Thrives Living Alone, Active & Engaged
Article By Judith Graham (KFF Health News) 
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