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HomePHL GC May Newsletter



May 2022

Dear Giving Circle Members and Friends:

It is truly a pleasure to be able to welcome you to this month’s TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle Newsletter. We have a lot going on! 

As you know, we are deep into our “Year of the Child” and are focusing on making our 10th Anniversary year the most successful fundraising year yet with a goal of $100,000. A high bar for us, yes, but set high to mark this milestone year of working to improve the lives of women and children in Philadelphia. All funds raised during this year’s campaign will be earmarked for nonprofits exclusively serving children in Philadelphia, celebrating the “Year of the Child”.  Please help us to help Philadelphia’s children.

To complement the “Year of the Child” fundraising campaign, this year’s programming is also focused on Philadelphia’s children. We held the first part of a two-part program on February 8th with a truly inspiring program describing some of the challenges faced by children in Philadelphia. The second part, “Opportunity, Engagement & Empowerment- The Future of Philadelphia’s Youth”, was held on April 28th. It focused on how nonprofits in the city are addressing the issues facing children in Philadelphia and what’s being done to improve their lives. Both programs were moving, informational and a “call to action” to all of us to be part of the solution.


We know that many of you participated in these programs and were inspired by the speakers and want to get more involved. Well, we have a great opportunity for you! Join us in June for our “Volunteer Day.” As described in the newsletter, the Giving Circle and TTN Philadelphia have joined together to offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. So, come, join your friends, learn and see how being involved can make a difference.

And, don’t forget – our biggest event of the year is coming up on Thursday, May 19th – our Annual Voting Meeting. We will gather via Zoom to hear from the finalists for this year’s grants and vote for the three nonprofits that will be receiving the funds we raised in 2021. All are invited to register and attend. All Giving Circle members may vote, but remember, you also must be registered to participate in the meeting. You can register below. We hope that you will join us.

Throughout the year, we will be providing you with information about upcoming events, progress reports from our 10th Anniversary Campaign, updates from our Grants Committee, and much, much more.


We welcome all of your support and participation. Together, we can do great things!


Linda Senker

Chair, TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle

Don't forget to Register for the Biggest Night of All . . .the night we select our three finalists!




5:30PM to 8:00PM

via Zoom

Click here to Register. Registration is free but we need you to register so that we can send you the Zoom link prior to the event. We will be announcing the three finalists shortly, so stay tuned!


Our Volunteer Options for June are here . . .

Join your fellow Giving Circle and TTN members at one of the June Volunteer Days being offered. Choose your favorite from the list of options on the next page and then click on the link to register. Once you have registered you will receive more information as the date approaches. Thank you for being part of "giving back" to our community! See you there!

 PHL GC Volunteer Day

From our 10th Anniversary Committee

We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our participants at the April 28th event . . . Opportunity, Engagement & Empowerment - The Future of Philadelphia's Youth. . . as well as everyone who attended. It was a moving and insightful conversation as to what needs to be done in Philadelphia to support our youth so that they can grow up to be contributing members of our community. We are grateful to have had the participation of such knowledgeable nonprofit leaders, members of the City Council and several Philadelphia youth to raise our understanding of these important issues.

For all those who missed the event, the link to the video is posted below.



Children First PA

From time-to-time we are moved by an event that happens in our own backyard. This year we were saddened by a fire in a row house in the Fairmount Area that tragically took the lives of 12 people, 9 of whom were children. In their honor the Executive Council decided to make a contribution of $500 to Children First PA on behalf of all the members of the Giving Circle. Children First PA is a non profit organization that focuses on improving the lives of children through health care, child care, education and family stability.

We mourn for those lives lost and hope that our contribution can make a small difference in the lives of children in need. Thank you.

The Executive Council


Giving Circle Member

Each month we are going to feature one of our own Giving Circle members "in the Spotlight." This is a great way to get to know your fellow Giving Circle members and to learn why being part of our Giving Circle is important to them.


Past Grant Recipients

In honor of our 10th Anniversary, each month we are going to feature one of our past recipients. This month we are featuring New Leash on Life to which we awarded a grant in 2016.

Sharon Segal

When Julie Currie approached Sharon Segal to join the Executive Council in the early days of the Giving Circle, she was intrigued. What she learned about the unusual mission, and the women who conceived of it, made her a believer.

Sharon grew up in Cheltenham, a suburb of Philadelphia. She spent 34 years teaching 3rd and 6th graders in the Pennsauken school district. She remembers the joy she felt when she saw the children grasp a concept and get excited about learning. The reward of her hard work wasn’t always immediate but Sharon was gratified by it nonetheless. After she retired, she continued to teach English at the Nationality Service Center.

After joining the Executive Council, Sharon used her skills to support the Giving Circle goals. She planned member and guest events and participated in the grant award process. What she enjoyed most was encouraging others to join the Giving Circle. She was inspired by the leadership team – all strong, powerful women who were committed to addressing the needs of women and children in Philadelphia. Sharon was eager to illuminate their work to new members.

Through the years, Sharon has been deeply disturbed by the poverty that affects so many Philadelphians. She’s been dismayed by the increase in crime and its effect on the most vulnerable. Being involved with the Giving Circle has provided a way for her, together with other members, to lift up those in need. She was particularly moved by the work of New Leash on Life which received a Giving Circle grant in 2016. Some of the beneficiaries of this grant were able to experience love, and responsibility, for the first time. It was life-changing – for them and for Sharon.

contributed by Susan Collins

The nonprofit we are highlighting this month is NEW LEASH ON LIFE, the agency that received our grant in 2016. Their mission is to reduce recidivism (when a release prisoner reoffends) while saving the lives of at-risk dogs. New Leash on Life pairs dogs from shelters with women prisoners in the Philadelphia area. The dogs live with the inmates 24/7, and are trained by them for about 12 weeks, enabling the dogs to become desirable for adoption. 

The women are given training sessions by a professional dog trainer to help socialize the dogs. They also receive career classes as well. At graduation, participants get to hand over their dog in person to the adoptive owner to complete the cycle of care. 

According to Kyrie Palan-Director of Community Outreach for New Leash on Life, many of these women have never felt a bond with anyone in their lives. In this program, they get to experience empathy, compassion, and love, maybe for the first time. 

Participating in the New Leash program is known to have long-term positive effects. Ms. Palan shared statistics of recidivism rates with women prisoners in Philadelphia. 

  • Women inmates who went through the New Leash on Life program have had a 9.77% recidivism rate as of last year.
  • Recidivism rates in Philadelphia in 2015 were 33%. (That’s the most recent year it was calculated city-wide).

The New Leash on Life program also has a Reentry Committee which is comprised of professionals, community members, staff, New Leash board members and volunteers all of whom have a mutual interest in both the transitioning of individuals returning to our communities after incarceration and public safety. For more information on New Leash for Life, Click here.

contributed by Sharon Segal


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