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HomeDC Special Interest Groups (NEW)


Special Interest Groups (SIGs) bring together members who share common interests, activities, or goals. SIGs can be as varied as our members. Any DC Chapter member can decide to start a SIG. Members decide how they should be run and provide leadership and organization. Any member in a SIG might, depending upon the theme, choose a book, pick the restaurant, lead a discussion, or arrange a day trip. Unlike one-time Events or Programs, SIGs have multiple meetings. 

SIGs can be pretty much anything members want them to be—we’re flexible. A SIG can be a specific group of members who build connection by recurring meetings, or a loose organization with events open to all chapter members, or a contact network arranging ad hoc activities. SIGs can have ongoing meetings or they can be of limited duration for a specific topic. The DC Leadership Team provides support for anyone interested in getting a new SIG underway. 

DC Chapter SIG meetings are currently open to all chapter members.  They are posted in the events calendar and you can check them out and register there.  Some online meetings are open to members nationwide.  Some events are also open so potential members can try us out.

Current Women's Connection DC SIGs include:

Book Lovers SIG – If you enjoy reading and discussing contemporary noteworthy books with a community of fellow-book lovers, please join the Book Lovers SIG.  We meet every other month at a Women’s Connection member’s home. Books are selected well in advance by that meeting’s host.  So far, we do not have an established schedule, but upcoming meetings are posted in the calendar and in the weekly DC Chapter e-blast.  Because we meet in members’ homes, this SIG is open only to members of the DC Chapter of Women’s Connection.
Friday Lunch Connection - Every Friday DC Chapter hosts a drop-in lunch by Zoom open to all Women's Connection members. No topic or structure, just a friendly sharing, lots of laughter, and a warm circle of women. You'll find a variety of topics being discussed along with some guaranteed chuckles. We always have a good time and learn all kinds of interesting things along the way! Zoom details will be sent in advance of the lunch.
Hiking SIG - The Hiking SIG will usually meet the second Saturday of each month.  We will explore some of the many local trails our regional and county parks have to offer.  This group is for those who can hike 3-5 miles at a steady, brisk clip over sometimes uneven ground. We will not be on sidewalks.  If this sounds like a good fit for you, please join us as we enjoy some time together outdoors.
Museum Arts SIG (Weekends) – Museum Arts generally meets at noon on the first Saturday of the month for in-person 'art or museum' exhibitions, well, loosely interpreted.  After, we connect over a tasty lunch.  Occasional meetings are on Zoom, opening our events to art world wide.
Sustainability SIG - If you would like to learn about climate change and how to live more sustainably, you're invited to join the Sustainability SIG.   We are learning about the things we can do, individually and collectively, to reduce our impact on the environment.  Topics include food, plastics, clothing, transportation, travel, renewable energy, and more.  We meet online on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 pm.  Come join us!
TED Talks - Join us on Zoom on the second Monday of every month.  We'll view a entertaining and informative TED Talk followed by a lively discussion of the topic and our own experiences and insights.
To connect with a SIG, contact DC SIG Lead Gretchen Schieber.

More ideas that are only waiting for some interested folks:
  • Book Clubs
  • Crafting
  • Cultural events
  • Day Trips
  • Dining Out
  • Discussion groups
  • Games
  • Gourmet Cooking
  • Hiking/Walking
  • Learning
  • Movies
  • Potluck
  • Sports
  • Writing
  • Whatever else that’s of interest to you!

If you want to help start a SIG, express interest in a future theme, or just have questions, contact Gretchen Schieber, SIG Lead. And, what the heck, if you have an idea for a one-time event—get in touch about that, too!

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