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November, 2023


Dear TTN Giving Circle community,

Charles “Chuck” Feeney died October 9th at age 92. He grew up in New Jersey and started a sandwich business while a student at Cornell. After graduation, Feeney co-founded Duty Free Shoppers, a very successful retail business that sold luxury items to travelers around the world. In 1982, Feeney founded Atlantic Philanthropies and over his lifetime, gave away his entire fortune of $9 billion. Charles Feeney is an inspiration, but not solely because he was a rich philanthropist. Even with so much money to give away, it was not enough for Feeney to support every worthy cause. He took the time to learn about the charities he supported by anonymously visiting their facilities, learning about the issues, and asking questions. He identified the places where he felt his money could make the most difference, and with organizations that matched his values.

We all get so many email, text messages, and social media pleas for donations every day, sometimes, several times a day. The USPS must still be in business because of mailings from non-profits soliciting donations. Phyllis and I don’t have Charles Feeney’s billions, but we feel it is important to give what we can to help others. But deciding where to give is not easy.

Being part of the TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle offers the opportunity to learn about the difficult issues so many women and children face in our city. It opens doors for learning about the amazing organizations in Philadelphia helping to improve the lives of women and children in Philadelphia. And it provides the benefits of collective giving where our donations can make a bigger difference.

As a reminder, the TTN Giving Circle’s fiscal year ends December 31st. This year’s campaign focus is on children’s literacy through grade 3. Please make your donation to YOUR giving circle today, if you have not already done so. Join us on November 9th for our Gather for Giving Event to hear how this year’s Giving Circle grantees are changing lives in Philadelphia.

In shared giving,

Kris Lindenmeyer and Phyllis Bookspan


Our big night is coming up . . . haven't registered yet? There is still time. Registration is open until November 7th . . . so click on the button below and register. And, bring a guest. Guests are free!


Our yearly gathering is coming up and we want you there! Every year we gather together so that we can acknowledge and celebrate the power of our collective giving . . . as we mingle over wine and appetizers. During our Gather for Giving Evening this year, we will . . .

  • Hear about new ideas within the world of Giving Circles
  • Meet our new co-chairs, Phyllis Bookspan and Kriste Lindenmeyer
  • Hear from two of our 2023 grantees, Frank Wang from 12 Plus and Jim Hardy from the Kensington Soccer Club as they share with us how contributions such as ours support their missions
  • Hear from Carol Williams, our Grants Committee Chair, about the focus of our current fundraising campaign – children’s literacy - and the importance of grants committee volunteers, and, finally
  • Acknowledge your contributions and thank you all for believing and supporting our mission to improve the lives of women and children in Philadelphia. We can't do it without you.

It will be a fun and informative evening. We hope you’ll join us! And bring a guest! Registration is $15 for Giving Circle donors but guests are free! Just email one of the event coordinators listed on the registration page with the name of your guest. All are welcome!

To register, click here ------------------> Register Here

Meet our two speakers . . .


Frank Wang, 12 Plus

Frank Wang

Frank attended the University of Pennsylvania before completing a service year Fellowship with 12 Plus. That year served as his foray into the education and nonprofit spaces and when he began to recognize the gaps in opportunity and access students face. From there, Frank went on to operate and eventually open his own tutoring center. During those years, he not only further developed his skill as an educator but also in business operations and management. Frank returned to 12 Plus as a Site Director and currently serves as the organization’s Chief of Staff. He helps oversee and connect the various departments within the organization as well as aiding in future strategic planning and development efforts. He’s incredibly excited to see what this new chapter of 12 Plus brings and deeply believes in the impact the organization can make for the students of Philadelphia and Camden.

Jim Hardy

In 2010, Founder and Executive Director Jim Hardy had been teaching in Kensington for a few years and was looking for a way to make an impact beyond the classroom. He had a few students who were crazy for soccer, so Hardy worked to get them a spot on one of Philly’s few teen travel teams, only to realize that transportation and cost made it still completely inaccessible. Then two students from Hardy’s school got into a fist fight over the summer and one died. Hardy and the whole school community were devastated. Read more . . .

Jim Hardy, Kensington Soccer Club


As we mentioned before, all monies raised in 2023 go towards our grantees to be selected in 2024 whose focus is on children's literacy. Let's change headlines such as these . . .

"Philly’s youngest students are suffering the most academically, new data shows"

Please give generously by clicking on the button below. Collectively, we can make a difference.

I want to be part of the Giving Circle's Children's Literacy Initiative. I will contribute . . .


Philanos is the largest network of Giving Circles in the country (and beyond) with over 90 affiliates, representing over 20,000 + women involved in making a difference in their own communities through collective giving. Philanos is having a conference in a few days in Baltimore and a few of our executive council members are attending. Look for the December newsletter to hear what they learned.



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