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What’s changing in your life?

Work? Relationships? Health? Interests?

We get it. We’re a vibrant community of smart, active, and accomplished woman over 50. We're New Yorkers rich in experience, with skills honed during our careers and the pursuit of our passions.

We’re you.

Like you, we’re in transition. Evolving. Excited about what’s next. In Women's Connection, we’ve 
found a fresh, fun combination of real expertise in transitions along with a welcoming, supportive environment where friendships flourish and activities abound.

And this is how we do it…


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Just Dance!

5 Wednesdays Sessions:

Dates: April 9 to May 7, 2025

Time:  6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location:  Zoom

Dance parties for Spring!


It’s proven dancing brings us a ton of valuable benefits: physical, psychological, emotional, and much more!

And that’s where Women’s Connection Dance Parties come in: Each week – for 5 weeks – our DJ will curate 45 minutes of fabulous dance music around a theme. You get to cut loose in your own space, any way you wish! No dress code. Sing along. Just for fun. Just for joy. Just for the sheer pleasure of moving. JUST DANCE!

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Winter 2025 NYC Chapter Newsletter

Happy New Year and welcome to your first quarterly NYC Chapter newsletter. Read on how to start the year off right with purpose. Learn about super aging and how healthy bones and taking fewer risks can get you there. Avoiding fraud online is also critical for leading a long and safe life! Find out if a little bit of kindness is good for your well being. And checking in on what some of our CC neighborhood groups are talking about is always helpful too. Let’s kick off 2025!


What Does Retirement Really Mean?


This was the headline from a recent NY Times article as a result of asking “readers to submit their stories of retirement — to share their experiences, as well as their advice.” Did you see it? The answers were all over the map. Sound bites from some of those interviewed, including a NYC chapter member, are below :

“While I don’t have bluebirds pulling down my sheets every morning, it’s no cliché that I’m living my best life now.”

“Suddenly at retirement you go through a door to an empty room and have to furnish it and decorate it yourself, with only yourself to judge how well you did.”

“Do it as soon as you can afford to. There is so much more to life than work. Literally every day is a Saturday.”

“It’s not all lollipops and unicorns; you have to reinvent your daily routine. Gym, volunteering, travel only go so far.”

“Do what brings you joy. If it stops bringing you joy, find something else to do. Repeat as often as necessary.”

“Isn’t nothing enough?”

“My biggest surprise was the loss of community. … As with most anyone who has retired, I needed to find a purpose. I missed being part of something that needed me.”

“I was struck by how elastic time seemed: no Zoom calls, no alarm clocks. … Just pure spaciousness and choice.”

“Don’t use the word retirement. It sounds decrepit and connotes imagery of rocking chairs and poor health. Somewhere, I came across the Spanish word for retirement: jubilación! Now doesn’t that sound more approachable and appealing?”

“From V.I.P. to P.I.P. (Previously Important Person). Retirement shifts your identity.”

“Prepare ahead, financially and mentally. Take a few months to determine what you want to do. Do not expect the plan to work out perfectly every week.”

“The best sentiment I have heard on retirement was expressed by Serena Williams: She was not retiring from tennis, she was evolving.”

The whole article is enlightening and encouraging. Take a read.

Fresh Start

Victoria Weill-Hagai

Victoria Weill-Hagai, long-time NYC chapter member and fine artist, is singing again on stage after 4 long years. You can hear her during the open mic at Tio Pepe every Sunday at 168 West 4th Street. in Manhattan. How did she get there?

“I sang all the way through school and college,” Victoria recalls. “After college, I had to make a choice to study art or singing. I'd had no lessons in either one. I chose art and pretty much didn't sing again for 50 years."

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